WASHINGTON — The U.S. Department of Agriculture on June 26 announced fiscal year 2020 (Oct. 1, 2019, to Sept. 30, 2020) tariff rate quotas for raw and other sugars at the minimum to meet World Trade Organization obligations, as is typical.

The fiscal 2020 T.R.Q. for raw cane sugar was set at 1,117,195 tonnes, raw value, which is the same as the current year and the minimum to meet W.T.O. agreements. The T.R.Q. for certain sugars, syrups and molasses (also referred to as refined sugar) was set at 192,000 tonnes, which includes the W.T.O. minimum, 22,000 tonnes, of which 20,344 tonnes is established for any sugars, syrups and molasses, and 1,656 tonnes for specialty sugars. An additional 170,000 tonnes is added to the specialty sugar T.R.Q., for a total of 171,656 tonnes.

Allocation of the fiscal year 2020 T.R.Q. will be announced later by the Office of the U.S. Trade Representative

On June 24 the U.S.T.R. reallocated 100,071 tonnes, raw value (about 110,309 short tons) of the original 2018-19 imported raw sugar T.R.Q. from countries that indicated they would not fill their quotas for the current year to countries that indicated they had additional sugar to export.