LA GRANGE, ILL. — Dubak Electrical Group launched DuThermX, a body temperature measurement system for industrial and commercial applications.
The contact-free system may be used to detect elevated temperatures as large numbers of people enter factories and other buildings. Identifying employees with elevated temperatures is a key factor in mitigating the threat of illness at a facility, the company said.
DuThermX uses thermal camera technology and may be integrated with existing security systems.
“DuThermX promises to help return America to work with confidence, where the new normal can look and feel as much like the old normal as possible,” said Nick Dubak, chief operating officer at Dubak Electrical Group. “With DuThermX, an unobtrusive entry body temperature measurement system helps reduce the anxiety and stresses that go along with today’s flow of people at points of entry while enhancing the safety of employees and visitors — all the while freeing up personnel to focus on other important aspects of safety and security.”