REHOVOT, ISRAEL — ChickP Ltd. introduced a chickpea isolate as a plant-based alternative for eggs in mayonnaise.
The isolate uses all the extractable components of the chickpea and enables vegan mayonnaise makers to avoid using modified starches, hydrocolloids and stabilizers for emulsification and flavor, according to the company. With 90% protein content, it eliminates the need for adding ingredients that are less nutritionally relevant to the final product. It offers foaming capabilities due to its high solubility and may serve as a one-to-one replacement for egg yolk.
Products crafted with ChickP’s isolate exhibit long shelf life and good heat stability, making the ingredient suitable for dispersal into both hot and cold applications.
The isolate was inspired by the use of aquafaba, or the starchy liquid from tinned beans, to create creams for meringues, macaroons, mousses, mayonnaise, creamy dressings, cheese substitutes and more.
“The discovery of the chickpea aquafaba effect has been a culinary gamechanger for many vegans,” said Ron Klein, chief executive officer of ChickP. “The downside is that it still doesn’t present a viable egg substitute in nutritional terms, as it contains only a fraction of the protein of an egg. We took the aquafaba concept a leap further and derived that same desired effect from the body of the nutrient dense chickpea isolate.”