SPRINGDALE, ARK. — Tyson Foods, Inc. is changing its “no antibiotics ever” (NAE) production policy and claim to “no antibiotics important to human medicine (NAIHM),” according to a company spokesperson. The transition is expected to be complete by the end of 2023.

The company will add ionophores, which are antibiotics not considered important to human health, into the diets of some of its chickens used to produce fresh products as well as frozen and ready-to-eat branded products, according to The Wall Street Journal. The report said ionophores are often used in poultry diets to prevent intestinal disease in poultry, specifically, coccidiosis.

Tyson announced in 2017 its transition to NAE was adopted across its retail and foodservice products. The company spokesperson told Meat & Poultry (sister publication of Food Business News) the change is being made in the best interest of customers and to ensure the health of chickens in its supply chain and is part of the company’s commitment to responsible stewardship.

“At Tyson Foods, we base our decisions on sound science and an evolving understanding of the best practices impacting our customers, consumers and the animals in our care,” the spokesperson said.

“While roughly half of the industry uses some form of antibiotic in producing chicken, NAIHM is a heightened standard that has been recognized by the USDA for decades and qualified through program documentation showing no antibiotics important to human health have been used.”