A University of Oxford study shows Parsippany, N.J.-based DSM’s life’sDHA omega-3 supplementation may improve sleep duration in school-age children. Supplementation of long-chain omega-3s, and DHA in particular, were associated with seven fewer wake episodes and longer sleep duration — 58 minutes of more sleep per night — in a subset of children, according to the study. Additionally, higher blood levels of DHA may relate to better sleep among children based on parent-rated observations.
The paper titled, “Fatty acids and sleep in U.K. children: Subjective and pilot objective sleep results from the DOLAB study — a randomized controlled trial,” was recently published in the Journal of Sleep Research. The randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trial and the observational analysis were a part of the independent study — DHA Oxford Learning and Behavior (DOLAB) study — initiated at the University of Oxford and funded by a grant from DSM Nutritional Products.