Feeding babies infant formula enriched with Denmark-based Arla Foods Ingredients’ Lacprodan OPN-10 supports immune development, according to results of a new trial.
Lacprodan OPN-10 is made from the whey protein osteopontin, a bioactive component associated with the maturation of the infant immune system. Osteopontin is found in high concentrations in human milk, but in much lower concentrations in bovine milk. This means infants fed regular formula have limited intake compared with breastfed counterparts.
“The development of Lacprodan OPN-10 is part of the quest to create infant formula that is more like breast milk,” said Lotte Neergaard Jacobsen, nutrition scientist at Arla Foods Ingredients. “The results from this clinical study show that we have moved a step closer to achieving this. Osteopontin in the form of Lacprodan OPN-10 could be a significant missing link in creating infant formula that can deliver a similar level of immune protection to that offered by mother’s milk.”
For more information, visit www.arlafoodsingredients.com.