CASABLANCA, MOROCCO — Mondelēz International has invested $11 million in an Oreo production line in Africa, making it the company’s largest Oreo production line on the continent. The new line gives the facility in Casablanca the capacity to make as many as 900 million Oreos per year, or about 2.5 million per day.
“We’re so excited to be making this delicious, high-quality and iconic biscuit available to all Moroccans, made right here in the Kingdom by Mondelēz Maroc,” said Antoine Collette, president of biscuits for Mondelēz International in Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Africa. “"No matter where it is made — whether in Europe, the United States or Morocco — Oreo is the same delightful biscuit baked to the highest Mondelēz International standards that has brought so much joy to billions of people since coming to market more than a hundred years ago.”