Ohly introduces maple syrup powder
Ohly has launched a maple syrup specialty powder made with 100% Canadian maple syrup and produced from all identity-preserved ingredients. A ProDry process retains the flavor components, protec ting the distinctive well-rounded characteristic flavor profile of maple syrup, according to the Hamburg, Germany-based company.
The ProDry IP maple syrup powder is three times as sweet as sugar and does not clog, clump or stick. The product ideally is suited for bakery applications, namely muffins and cookies, according to Ohly.
“The response to the maple syrup powder from existing customers has been overwhelmingly positive,” said Jay Wickeham, general manager of Ohly Americas. “Canadian maple syrup is distinctive and popular. It’s a flavor that really delights consumers and is a powerful addition to seasonings in order to improve them with sweetness and depth.”
Visit: www.ohly.com
Synergy debuts cold brew coffee concentrate
Synergy Flavors, Inc., a Wauconda, Ill.-based supplier of flavors, extracts and essences for the global food and beverage industry, is introducing Synergy Pure 100% Cold Brew Coffee Concentrate.
The product, Synergy said, may solve the issues ready-to-drink beverage manufacturers may face in offering cold brew beverages, including capacity issues, possible spoilage and a lack of transparency when resorting to coffee powders.
“We have something that nobody else has, and we see great opportunities in the market for our cold-brewed coffee concentrate, mostly from premium brands who are committed to be true to their customers,” said Greg Bach, general manager of Synergy Flavors Ohio. “Coffee being one of the most popular beverages in the world, R.-T.-D.s are definitely the main target for this new ingredient. However, we are seeing new trends emerge where coffee is blended in other product categories such as cultured dairy, alcohol, etc., and our cold-brewed concentrated could be a good match for these new developments.”
Visit: www.synergytaste.com
MGPI’s Fibersym RW shown to reduce metabolic syndrome risk factors
A recent study at South Dakota State University showed that Atchison, Kas.-based MGP Ingredients, Inc.’s Fibersym RW resistant wheat starch — a patented, non-G.M.O. dietary fiber source — reduces risk factors associated with metabolic syndrome. The factors include high blood pressure, abdominal obesity, elevated fasting blood sugar and high blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels that increase the chance of developing heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes, the report said.
The 26-week study involved 20 individuals with signs of metabolic syndrome. Participants consumed food products made with control flour or a 30%/70% blend of Fibersym RW and flour with no dietary restrictions. After Fibersym RW consumption, the subjects had a lower percentage of body fat and trending lower waist circumference, the study found, along with reduced glycosylated hemoglobin and lower fasting blood glucose. Fibersym RW consumption also resulted in reduced total cholesterol, HDL cholesterol and non-HDL cholesterol, as well as less pro-inflammatory molecules in the blood, the study said.
“Fibersym RW worked as a health-promoting functional fiber in our study,” said Moul Dey, Ph.D., associate professor of health and nutritional sciences at S.D.S.U. and lead investigator for the study. “Because it is a starch that is not broken down in the upper gastrointestinal tract, it can reach the colon where it is fermented by the gut bacteria. This produces new substances, such as short chain fatty acids, that have functions related to health.”
Visit: www.mgpingredients.com
Wubbolts to join Corbion as chief technology officer
Marcel Wubbolts, Ph.D., has been named chief technology officer of Corbion, responsible for the company’s global R.&D. organization, effective Nov. 1. He will be part of the Amsterdam, The Netherlands-based company’s executive committee.
Dr. Wubbolts currently is chief technology officer at DSM. During his 20 years of service at DSM he has held several science leadership positions in biochemistry and biotechnology, with a focus on developing sustainable production methods for intermediates for pharma, nutritional and materials applications. He is the chair of the governing board of the Biobased Industries Joint Undertaking, a public-private partnership between the European Union and the Biobased Industries Consortium.
He received a doctorate degree in mathematics and natural sciences from the University of Groningen.
Visit: www.corbion.com
Ludlum promoted to c.o.o. of MORRE-TEC
William J. Ludlum has been promoted to chief operation officer of MORRE-TEC Industries, Inc. In his new role, Mr. Ludlum will assume responsibility for all operational, sales and marketing functions of the Union, N.J.-based company.
Most recently, Mr. Ludlum was vice-president of administration and special projects for MORRE-TEC and has held several senior management positions in the company before that.
Mr. Ludlum said he looks forward to guiding the MORRE-TEC team through accomplishing the company’s “Vision 2020,” which sets the tone for the introduction of new capabilities and products as well as the development of new initiatives.
“The MORRE-TEC growth plan is based on maximizing the assets we have amassed over 30-plus years, such as unique capabilities in micronization and a strong, global supply chain,” Mr. Ludlum said. “Coupled with our recent acquisition of Vitacyclix, a pioneer in the development of water-soluble vitamins, our company is on the brink of significant achievements. I am excited about leading the management team to fulfillment of Vision 2020.”
Visit: www.morretec.com
Kyowa launches line of protein bars featuring Sustamine
Kyowa Hakko USA, based in New York, is launching a line of XYIENCE protein bars, featuring Sustamine L-Alanyl-L-Glutamine.
The non-G.M.O., gluten-free bars are designed to provide sustained energy during workouts, the company said. XYIENCE protein bars are soy-free, sweetened with stevia, and contain 20 grams of protein, 1 gram of sugar and 15 to 17 grams of fiber. They are made with quinoa, amaranth and Sustamine.
Kyowa’s XYIENCE protein bars are available in three flavors: chocolate peanut butter, chocolate mint and chocolate crunch.
Visit: www.kyowa-usa.com
Kemin offers clean label plant extract for beverages
Kemin Food Technologies, Des Moines, Iowa, is catering to consumers seeking clean labels with its new FORTRA line of natural plant extracts. Derived from a spearmint variety with high levels of rosmarinic acid — a compound that is oxygen- and heat-stable — the extract is water-soluble and harvested using an environmentally friendly extraction process, Kemin said. FORTRA is also SCS Global Services Certified.
In whole fat milk products, FORTRA delays milk fat oxidation, Kemin said, providing protection in both liquid whole fat milk and whole fat milk powder. In other beverages, FORTRA also may provide color and flavor protection by delaying oxidation, the company said.
“We predict this line of spearmint extract is going to cause a stir in the food and beverage industry and be quite popular,” said Mackenzie Russo, marketing specialist for Kemin. “That’s because in addition to FORTRA’s protective benefits, it can also be used at lower dosage levels than rosmarinic acid derived from rosemary, offering better sensory attributes to final food applications. Another distinguishing benefit is FORTRA’s ease in dosing beverages, with the availability of dry and liquid formulas with different carriers.”
Visit: www.kemin.com