Sustainability is becoming an attribute many consumers are seeking in the food and beverage products they buy. The virtual Trends and Innovations conference from Food Business News will identify who these consumers are, what sustainability means to them, and then outline the ingredient options available to formulate into products.
From inbound inspections to utilizing data to predict pest pressures, join the pest experts at IFC as they disclose their 5 top strategies to pest prevention and what you can start doing now to support your facility. This webinar with IFC will cover:
What’s drawing pests into your facility
What prevention tools you have available to you right now
Recommendations the IFC team makes with pest prevention top of mind
Product developers are seeking clarity in the products that will stand out in future snack innovation. The editors of Food Business News have cut through the noise and have identified the key trends that will drive future snack innovation in this free 30-minute webinar.
Slowing category sales indicate current products may be missing the mark. The latest Trends & Innovations virtual conference from Food Business news will identify the reasons meat alternative sales have slowed and offer insights into what consumers may want from future innovation.
Join Food Business News May 11th to learn about one of the food and beverage industry's most dynamic markets and what future category innovation may look like.
Take a deep dive into emerging plant-based color trends that will shape consumer habits in 2022 and beyond. Gain insight into the changemakers who are galvanizing innovation during this unprecedented period of global transformation. Consumers have never been more focused on plant-based colors. It is an interest driven by today's leading culinary drivers. Learn about tangible ways you can incorporate these insights into your own blueprint for success and come away with practical tools you can use to meet the needs of today's modern consumer.
The Food Entrepreneur Experience is a free, digital event featuring engaging conversations with disruptors and visionaries. During the 90-minute session, participants will learn the latest trends and insights from industry leaders, plus the founders of four early-stage brands will discuss the inspiration behind innovative products. A limited number of product sampling boxes will be available to purchase for $25.
New research has recently opened up a whole new world of functional use opportunities for lentil flour, including breading and coating systems for fried foods including fried chicken, fried fish, and potato products. Explore the positive attributes that lentil flour can bring to improve your existing breading and coating systems to:
Increase crispiness
Improve color development and uniformity
Increase hold times related to crunch/crispiness
Other benefits including reduced cook time, and potential removal of allergens
Chickpeas, garbanzos, pulses – no matter what you call them, these on-trend beans are packed with protein, fiber, and nutrients, ready for use across applications. Chickpeas can be found in everything from pizza crust to pasta here in the US and overseas. They are also a key nutritional and functional component of next-generation plant-based applications customers crave. Learn what is fueling these innovations and explore products in the market.
Supply chain disruptions and growing demand for biofuels have driven price increases and supply concerns for leading vegetable oils. Mac Marshall, VP of Market Intelligence for United Soybean Board examines the issues behind these market factors and how US soybean farmers are working to ensure a stable, competitive supply for food manufacturers and restauranteurs.
A taste of what's to come in 2022. The flavor profiles that will drive food and beverage innovation in 2022 are the focus of this exclusive 30-minute webinar. The editors of Food Business News have reviewed the trends driving flavor innovation in the year ahead and identified what top flavor trends from 2021 will carry over into 2022 and beyond. Taste remains king, and the attendees of this event will walk away a step ahead of their competition.