MINNEAPOLIS — United Sugars Corp. has been renamed United Sugar Producers and Refiners Cooperative, in part reflecting the addition of marketing sugar from the former Imperial Sugar Co. that recently was bought by US Sugar Corp.

“The producer members of United Sugars Corp. (USC), in alignment with the acquisition of the Savannah (Ga.) Refinery by US Sugar, have formed a new cooperative with improved and added capabilities,” the company said. “This new cooperative is United Sugar Producers and Refiners Cooperative and will be known as ‘United’ or ‘United Sugar Producers and Refiners’ (USPR).”

The cooperative said it can bring new and improved capabilities to customers across the United States, including: enhanced ability to hedge/buy and sell raw sugar against the No. 16, No. 11 and No. 5 sugar futures to assist customers with their risk management objectives; open the door to expand beyond refined sugar sales into the closely related specialty sugar market; and overall, better service and supply all customers in the ever-growing sugar market.

“This new entity allows for us to ensure that all of our customers that previously bought from USC and US Sugar Savannah Refinery, formerly known as Imperial Sugar, know and see all the capabilities USPR will be bringing to the market,” the cooperative said.

USC is owned by the American Crystal Sugar Co., Minn-Dak Farmers Cooperative, Wyoming Sugar Co. and US Sugar of Clewiston, Fla., and has been a leading marketer of sugar in the United States for more than 25 years. USPR is owned by the same companies as USC in addition to US Sugar of Clewiston’s wholly owned subsidiary US Sugar Savannah Refinery.