CAMDEN, N.J. — In an effort to stay one step ahead of the competition, the Campbell Soup Co. has assigned members of its Culinary and Baking Institute to identify the latest culinary trends to be used in guiding the company’s product development efforts. The end result of the effort is Campbell’s Culinary Trendscape report, which this year highlights Filipino cuisine, artisan bread, seafood and tea, to name a few.
To review the full list of trends identified in the Culinary Trendscape report, please view the slideshow.
“Monitoring and understanding trends is our way of anticipating what our consumers and customers will desire as tastes shift year to year,” said Thomas Griffiths, vice-resident of Campbell’s Culinary and Baking Institute. “The report paints a broad picture of how tastes are evolving, and how we are evolving our products along with them.”
The TrendScape report lists 10 trends, but it also identifies each trend’s stage of development, with stage 1 representing discovery and stage 6 representing expansion beyond mainstream use. In between are stage 2 (introduction), stage 3 (adoption), stage 4 (mainstream) and stage 5 (established).
With regard to Filipino cuisine, Mr. Griffiths said it is in the discovery stage, but noted that its flavors are uniquely different.
“They have a different spice flavor, one that is lighter, very different from traditional Chinese cuisine,” Mr. Griffiths said.
The TrendScape report called Filipino flavors “global fusion” at its best and noted the cuisine features Spanish, Malaysian, Chinese and American influences. Common ingredients found in a Filipino kitchen may include vinegar, garlic, soy sauce, fish sauce, calamansi lime, tamarind, bay leaf, annatto and smoked paprika.
Another trend identified in the stage 2 introduction category is a “bread revival.”
“What we are seeing is an artisanal movement; we are seeing things like hearty and multi-grain breads appearing more,” Mr. Griffiths said. “But the trend goes beyond bread. It’s a part of the bolder burgers movement; the rolls used as buns are a big part of it.”
The Culinary TrendScape also highlighted eating with a purpose, which may include a focus on a specific diet like paleo or a commitment to eating mostly organic foods, as a trend that is in stage 3: adoption.
“Some consumers are looking for specific things on the menu,” Mr. Griffiths said. “That has led to the development of organic soups and even beverages featuring kale. Some people are very aware of what they eat and they are willing to take the time to find those products.”
To download the full report, follow this link: Culinary TrendScape.
To review the full list of trends identified in the Culinary Trendscape report, please view the slideshow.